Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Articles Adverbial Clause


In the medical world today of heart disease is still an important topic that is always discussed and debated both in terms of medical and in terms of treatment. Data from developed countries stated that heart disease is the cause of death in the country. Some investigators suggested that cases of heart disease is closely related to socioeconomic factors in the country.
The main function of the heart that pumps blood throughout the body clean and dirty receives blood returning after used by the body. The heart is a device that moves the human body and the life of the earliest and latest freezes. Baby's heart began to beat in 24 minngu pregnancy. Heart weight in humans there are approximately 5 liters of blood that flows continuously throughout the body. The heart beat in a resting state approximately 70 times per minute.

A. According to the Cause There's Some Kind of Heart Disease
- Congenital disorder
- Because infections such as endo karditis and rheumatic disease
- Metabolic disorders such as beri-beri and thyroid
- Coronary heart disease
- Heart disease lung
- Functional disorders such as disease decompenatio cordis

In the subsequent description will be explained on coronary heart disease. The disease is closely related to food, especially fatty food. Coronary heart disease arise as a result of a poor way of life that resulted in narrowing of blood vessels (coronary). From time to time to clogged blood vessels at once and when it happened all of a sudden heart attack.
Understanding Coronary arteries in the heart is functioning to provide blood to the heart muscle. Coronary heart disease is a disease caused by imbalance between the arterial blood flow to the heart muscle needs.

B. Coronary Heart Disease can be distinguished on several kinds of diseases are:
- Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is a disease of blood vessels. In this disease deviation occurs little by little blood vessels pulse, as a result of accumulation of fat, fibrin and calcium in the blood vessel walls of blood vessels pulse.

- Angina pectoris
The main symptoms Agina pectoris is pain in the chest of a sudden, that arise from blood flow to the heart muscle is less adequate. The result is a buildup of lactic acid in heart muscle deprived of oxygen. This situation stimulates nerve endings, resulting in pain in the chest. Angina pectoris can also be caused by Atherosclerosis.

- Myocardium infarction
Myocardium infarction caused by a blockage of the coronary arteries that have been narrowed due to atherosclerosis. If the blood vessel is blocked completely, then the provision of oxygen and nutrients to the heart can not take place. This situation is called infrak heart or cardiac stiffness, and the affected muscles will die.

Common symptoms of coronary heart disease among others:
- A very sudden pain on the left chest
- Radiating to the left back, arm or molars
- The patient's blood pressure usually decreases
- So the patient may pass out suddenly
- Body temperature above normal
- Sweating

Factors The disease can arise because:
- Age
- Gender
- Ethnic groups
- Endoktrin or metabolic disorders
- Psychiatric disorders
- Disease Hypertension
- Sickness Bag bile
- The disease nephrotic syndrome.
Other factors are as follows:
- Smoking
- Eating food that excessive cholesterol

Syrat Diet-requisites to be provided are as follows:
- Calorie adjusted with the disease state. Usually given 30 calories per kilogram of body weight between 1000-1500 calories per day
- Protein 0.5 to 1 gram per kg body weight
- Fat 20% of the amount of calories and ddua thirds of the total fat should come from unsaturated fat
- Cholesterol, which is one of the fat derived from food or can be made by the body in the liver tissue. If there is accumulation of cholesterol in the body, then the amount of cholesterol in the food provided is reduced, and the amount of fat that should be adjusted.
- Raw foods megandung cholesterol: egg yolks, meat, shrimp, shellfish, fish oil, cheese, milk.
- Saturated Fat: Fat cows, sheep fat, milk, cream, cheese, butter.
- Saturated fats are not: Peanut oil, sunflower seed oil, cotton oil, corn oil and soy bean oil

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