Senin, 28 Maret 2011


Love is like a butterfly. Add pursued, plus run. But if allowed to fly, he will come when you least expect it. Love can make you happy but often also make sad, but a new love worth if given to someone who appreciates it. So do not hurry and choose the best.

Love is not how a pair of "perfect" for someone. But how to find someone who can help you be yourself.

Do not ever say "I love you" if you do not care. Never talk about feelings that never existed. Never touch someone's life if it will break his heart. Do not ever looked into his eyes if all you do is lie.

The most cruel thing that someone did to others is to let him fall in love, while you do not intend to arrest him ...

Love is not "It's one of you", but "forgive me". Not "You're where the hell?", But "I'm here." Not "What's wrong with you?", But "I understand why." Not "Let you not like this", but "I love you like you know what is."

Compatibility is most definitely not measured by how long you've been together or how often you are together, but if during your time together, you always complement each other and make each other a quality life.

Sadness and longing just to feel for what you want and slicing deep as you allow. That weight is not how to cope with sadness and longing, but how to learn from him.

How falling in love: fall but do not stumble, be consistent but do not force, to share and do not be unfair, understand and try not to demanding, sad but do not ever keep that sadness.

It hurt to see someone you love is being happy with someone else but more sick again if someone you love is not happy with you.

Love will hurt when you split up with someone even more painful when you're forgotten by your lover, but love will hurt even more when someone you care about do not know what you really feel.

The most pathetic in life is to find someone and fall in love, only to discover that he is not for you, and you've spent a lot of time for people who never appreciate it. If he was not "worth it" now, he will never be "worth it" one more year or 10 years. Let him go ...

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